Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fortune Cookie...

The Fortune Cookie...the best part of Chinese take out meals!  We love our fortunes some are goofy, others down right funny and then there are the gems which are inspiring... fun to read but we never wanted to throw them out afterward. So, that started me thinking, how could I work this into the everyday? Here is what I came up with...rather than pin them to a cork board, tack them to the fridge with a magnet - maybe to notice them or worse yet toss them in "The Junk" drawer (I'm bad about doing that) - I had a small bowl that was collecting dust...
so, I put it to better use. 

NOW, having a trying morning pick a fortune, tough day at work pick a fortune, 
in a crabby get the idea!

The fortunes have even become fun entertainment ice breakers at get-togethers!
Love it...

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About Me

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I love to shop, but I don't like spending gross amounts of money for style. I sometimes stumble upon my greatest finds on outings, other times it's a bust! I am an artist...I see beauty and or great potential everywhere. If I can't find what I want, I create it! That's what I'll share with you...